Friday, May 16, 2008

Blue Host Discout Coupons

Blue Host offers an affordable and reliable professional web-hosting for as low as $6.95/month. A great offer, isn't it.
Blue Hosting provides the web-hosting plans which includes all the features that yu are looking for at best possible prices. The various discount plans include:

Blue Host's 24-month plan and 12 month plan includes free setup and free domain registration.

24 Month Plan: $6.95/mo
12 Month Plan: $7.95/mo

But, for 3 month and 6 month plan, the setup fee and domain registration fee is also included. The prices for these plans consists of:
3 month plan: $9.95/mo + $30 Setup + $10 Domain
6 month plan: $8.95/mo + $30 Setup + $10 Domain

Thus, the 24 month plan is the best deal to go for!